Bispham with Norbreck Lodge of M.M.M. No.866
Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons was honoured on the 14th February 2018 with the presence of The Deputy Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Herbert Lee Past Grand Junior Overseer who was attending their Installation Meeting. Accompanying him were The Assist Provincial Grand Master Giles Frederick Berkley, Past Grand Steward along with seven Grand Officers. The venue for Bispham with Norbreck was the Masonic Hall Adelaide Street Blackpool and a goodly number of Mark Masons assembled there to attend the Installation Meeting. The Lodge was opened at 6.00pm by the Worshipful Master Stephen Smith who quickly dispatched the domestic business of the lodge.
Bro Joe Codling (Working Tools)
On a report the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Arthur Robinson Grand Steward announced that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was without and seeking admission. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brethren, Grand Officers and two Acting Provincial Officers entered the Lodge in processional order. The Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies introduced the Deputy Provincial Grand Master to the Worshipful Master who welcomed him into the Lodge, he was ushered to his seat and after the appropriate salutations the Worshipful Master announced the next item of business to Install Brother John Chapman Senior Warden and Master Elect.
Dep. Prov. D.of C. A. Robinson G.Stwd. Ass.P.G.M. G.F.Berkley P.G.Stwd.,
W.M. J. Chapman, Dep.P.G.M.G.H.Lee P.G.J.O.
For the Installation ceremony the Worshipful Master invited Brother Brian Ogden Worshipful Master of Fylde Lodge, Worshipful Brother Brian Burgess-Dicks Provincial Grand Steward and Brother Joseph O'Brien Worshipful Master of Wyre Mark Lodge to occupy the positions of Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Inner Guard respectively. The Lodge Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Melvyn Antony Cross Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden Presented Bro. Chapman to the Worshipful Master who proceeded to Install Bro. Chapman. The ceremony was of a very high standard, clearly Worshipful Brother Smith must have had his ritual book with him on his recent, extended sojourn in Lanzarote, W. Bro Smith is to be congratulated on his work. Bro. Chapman having been Installed as Worshipful Master was acknowledged and greeted by the members of his Lodge. The Working Tools were present and explained in an exemplary manner by one of the junior members of the Lodge Bro. Joe Codling the Keystone Jewel and Charity Jewel were presented by Worshipful Brother John Powell Past Grand Senior Deacon.
The first address that to the Worshipful Master was delivered by Worshipful Brother Melvyn Cross Past Grand Standard Bearer, Assistant Lodge Director of Ceremonies
in a delightful manner. The Worshipful Master then Appointed and Invested his officers for the ensuing year. The addresses to the Wardens was given by Worshipful Brother Giles Frederick Berkley Past Grand Steward, Assistant Provincial Grand Master in a manner we have come to expect from a leader in the Province and the address to the Overseers by W.Bro. Antony Cross which did appear that it was not the first time he had delivered that address. The address to the Brethren was delivered in a faultless manner by Very Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Lee Past Grand Junior Overseer, Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
Grand Officers and Acting Provincial Grand Officers
Next Item was to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Ian Wilson the explanation of the Certificate was given by Worshipful Brother Andrew Dickson Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. When all other business was completed the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremony formed a procession and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master along with the Grand and Acting Provincial Grand Officers retired. When the Worshipful Master had closed his Lodge and processed out the now usual photo-shoot took place in the Lodge Room, after which we repaired to the bar lounge for a refreshing aperitif.
Lodge D.of C. W.Bro. A. Cross., W.M.,I.P.M.,Lodge Ass. D. of C. M. Cross
In the upper dining room, we partook of a delicious three course meal follow by coffee / tea. In his response to the Toast to the Grand Officers V.W. Bro Lee informed the brethren of the latest from Grand and Provincial Grand Lodge and the important upcoming dates for our diaries. The Worshipful Masters toast was followed by the master’s Song sung by Worshipful Brother John Darrell Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (in the craft, not YET a Mark Mason) a cappella, the lodge organist being unable to attend. His response, after the usual thanks to the brethren of the lodge and the visitors, was a delight to listen as he regaled about his younger years as a pugilist. After the Tyler’s Toast we made our way to our homes another splendid day of Mark Masonry at its best. 
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan